Pokémon never goes out of fashion, and it’s just impossible! I ran home from school to watch the new episode for years — then came multiple spin-offs and feature films, Pokémon Go, Detective Pikachu and finally an immense collection of Pokémon fan art, so it feels like childhood will never end thanks to this incredible universe.
Who was your favorite? Mine was Bulbasaur and Charmander. I was literally obsessed with these two, having them on my tees and stationery. Now, I hope you will meet your best Pokemon in these illustrations or at least feast your eyes on the colorful abundance of the legendary creatures.
Pokémon Fan Art
Discover the mix of cuteness and power in this themed Pokémon art collection, where I have featured all most popular techniques. So you must find a Pokémon to fit your character and artistic style — simply get your Poké Ball and start the game!