Do you have a creative personality? Do you like creating interesting designs online? If so, it’s possible to make pretty good money designing logos for websites and brands.
Not all logo design is created equally. Some design styles are suitable for businesses while other designs are a better fit for personal websites. Just know that it’s very possible to make money designing logos for a living.
Freelance Logo Design: Why Being a Professional Matters
Before tapping into different ways to make money as a logo designer, it’s important to know why this specialized skill is so potentially lucrative. Believe it or not, certain psychological factors play into the logo creation and design process. Knowing these factors will make it possible to design high quality logos that your clients love.
Official Firefox Rebrand by Ramotion
Let’s take color as an example. Did you know that color psychology plays a role in branding? Yes, people interact with businesses in certain ways because of the color choices of their logo. Learning to choose the best colors for specific markets and business models will help your clients achieve greater levels of success.
The shape of the logo also plays a role in consumer psychology as well. According to experts, round logos are associated with softness. To some, this may seem like a bad thing and it doesn’t fit every market. But if you’re trying to make a logo design that comes across as sensitive, caring, and warm, then a round logo makes perfect sense for your business.
Delve into design psychology to better understand the design creation process. As you master this skill, you’ll be able to create better and more effective logos for your clients. And as your reputation expands, you’ll be able to charge more for your exciting creations.

Before you start creating your logo, you can play around with some free online logo generators to get some logo ideas.
Freelance Logo Design: Why Being a Professional Matters
It’s possible to make passive income selling logos even if you’re brand-new to the graphic design game. Companies and brands need them to create a face for their business. You have the option to create a number of generic logos focusing on the latest trends or go a different route.
After you create these logos, you can either sell them on a website that focuses on selling logos to customers looking for these designs. Or you can create your own website and put your designs for sale there. Or you can do both or a combination of other potential ways to get your designs in front of people looking for your services.
Your best bet is to get your designs listed on a logo marketplace. Why? Simply put, these marketplaces exist to attract hundreds or even thousands of customers to your offerings. So you’ll have plenty of eyeballs looking at your logo designs. You never know who may come along and purchase your logo passively.
Another great thing about adding logos to a marketplace is the extra exposure you get for your designs. A customer may look at one of your designs and absolutely fall head over heels in love with it. But instead of asking for the generic design, they contact you to add specific customized elements for their business.
While not necessarily 100% passive, it’s still an excellent way for talented graphic designers to make great money selling logos to companies and brands that need them. And remember, many people start websites for a wide variety of reasons and they need high quality logos too.
Logo Design Creation: Ideas for Creating High Quality, Gorgeous Logos
Are you worried that you’ll have a difficult time coming up with logo creation ideas? Are you afraid that your logos aren’t going to look as good or stand out as much as logos from your competitors? There’s no point reinventing the wheel. In fact, it would be very foolish to attempt to create logos from scratch.
Instead, use everything available to you already and look at the particular logo design trends happening in the world right now. Some logos are absolutely amazing for certain business types and they are very popular. If you can create logos for similar businesses using design aspects of these successful logos, you’ll have no trouble creating powerful and effective logos for your clients.
Dribbble, one of the best sources of inspiration for designers! Shot by Ryan Johnson
You can also look at other designers and pay close attention to their designs before you even attempt to design a new logo for one of your clients. Look at the designers and see what type of best-selling logos they have available on their website or in the marketplaces.
See these designs and figure out how to mimic their style without completely copying them. That’s a great way to create high quality and powerful logos that are gorgeous, creative, and effective as well.
Make Money Designing Logos: Building a Freelance Graphic Design Website
How serious are you when it comes to logo design creation? Do you love making interesting and exciting designs? Or are you doing this to help make extra money but aren’t really passionate about the business?
If you’re serious and you really love designing thought-provoking and eye-catching logos, you may want to invest in creating a graphic design website to showcase your wares. This website will not only be filled with examples of your excellent logos that you have for sale, but you’ll also fill it with high quality content showcasing your skills and expertise in this field.
When people hire a professional graphic designer, they expect to hire an expert in this business. Create blog posts, infographics, videos, and other high quality content showcasing your skills and ability as a graphic designer – in particular a logo designer.
Not only will you attract more clients this way, but you’ll also find it easier to charge a higher price. This website is a big investment that will eventually pay big dividends over the long term, as long as you’re serious about becoming a logo designer full-time.
Bottom Line
It may seem difficult on the surface, but it’s possible to make a decent living selling logo designs on the Internet. You can create a wide array of logos and offer them on logo marketplaces and make good money that way.
Or if you prefer, you can go all in and build a graphic design service website and sell logos and other types of designs at higher prices. Either route will help you earn a nice living. So figure out where you stand and decide if this is going to be a full-time business or a part-time way to make extra money and go from there.