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Reservoir Dogs Font

Garamond Font
Fonts by Pacific Title & Art Studio
Pulp Fiction Font

ITC Busorama

Aachen Bold

ITC Benguiat
Jackie Brown Font

Groudy Heavy

Of course, the opening credits have a rampage of other typefaces, but there’s something in common among so many Tarantino movies. There are three chosen movie fonts, appearing in the majority of films: Busorama, Friz Quadrata, and ITC Bookman. I’ll show them to you a bit later but all you need to know right now is that they’re present in the above-mentioned movies.
Meet Jay Johnson, Everybody!
Jay Johnson
Has designed Main Titles for many of the most memorable films of the recent past. His designs have complimented and enhanced those films.
Visit WebsiteKill Bill Font

ITC Busorama

ITC Bookman

Friz Quadrata
Death Proof Font


Futura PT

Cooper Black

Inglourious Basterds Font
The turn has come to speak about the choking on satire Quentin Tarantino’s movie has brought to the world — “Inglourious Basterds.” What an abundance of fonts you’re exposed to… again! Starting from the intro, opening movie credits let you go through four different fonts in all their glory. Well, on the whole, this is not an unusual format as we already know, but you see how more personalized it is.


Handwritten font on the Inglourious Basterds script’s cover page, made by Quentin Tarantino himself.

Avant Garde

Friz Quadrata
Django Unchained Font

Bank Gothic
The Hateful Eight Font


Friz Quadrata

In 1931, Morris Fuller Benton created the Stymie typeface for the American Type Founders (ATF). Later weights were later added by Sol Hess at Lanston Monotype and Gary Powell at ATF.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Font

ITC Busorama

Romana Font
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